The Embodiment Experience

Human Design is music. Our physical vehicles are vibrational instruments, designed to emanate very specific frequencies. We are the music of the Divine, and our uniqueness is sacred. HD is nothing more than intimately knowing your instrument, knowing your sheet music that you came here to play, and seeing where it leads you. This life is a symphony, and it is a most precious gift. Be true to the unique beauty that is You, in every step you take. Why live it as anything other than yourself?

We extend a professional commitment to 24/7 support, hospitality, comfort & selfless service in all aspects during this very special event. A high-end retreat from the stressful world of Western society, deep into nature with two Human Design professionals, indigenous guides from local communities, beautiful housing, comfortable travel accommodations, and local organic meals prepared by a Personal Chef, morning Qi Gong & much more. Every aspect of this retreat has been carefully considered and is designed to create & hold a safe, comfortable container for our guests to surrender to this experience as fully as possible.

A precious opportunity to explore The Human Design System as a living meditation-in-motion, this high-end retreat is a celebration of life, nature & human connection. A journey deep within ourselves - far from a classroom or online workshop - set in the mystical valleys of the Andes mountains, a land & culture that carries enormous wisdom of the human heart.

This is not the average tourist sightseeing excursion, but a thoughtfully crafted experience designed to bring enduring impact to the lives of all who attend. Those who embark on the adventure that awaits us are true trail-blazers, on the cutting edge of human consciousness. Join us for two weeks of alchemical travel, transforming mental information into living knowledge & grounded clarity.

Beginning & experienced Human Design experimenters welcome!  

~ For those new to this work ~ this is a rare opportunity to gain a solid experiential grounding into this knowledge that has a reputation for intimidating complexity. We extend an invitation for you to completely immerse yourself the simplicity of living the wisdom of The Human Design System in a supportive network of allies. A Human Design chart analysis prior to arrival is included for all.

~If you are already engaged in your HD experiment ~ you are no doubt well aware what a gift it is to share time in physical space with others who also live by Strategy & Authority ~ your lived experience is a valuable gift to all who attend.

In this time of drastic planetary change, it is more important than ever for individuals to build strong, healthy relationships with Self & others who sincerely seek a high level of personal alignment with their own authenticity. The culture of harmony & communion that continues to co-exist with this ancient land, millennia after millennia, carries profound remembrance to aid us in this endeavor. The revelation of Human Design, as well as these indigenous traditions have foreseen this era of increasing turmoil and instability; each contain a wealth of wisdom to offer those of us consciously preparing our awareness for this time.

This gathering is intended to:

~ personally assist each attendee to deeply grasp the unique frequency & intelligence of their design

~ empower true, embodied Inner Authority

~ prepare mentally, physically & spiritually for what is to come

~ inspire through beauty, and enliven profound gratitude for Being Human

This pilgrimage with 2 distinct elements is designed to bring enduring changes & energetic imprints to the lives of all who heed this call to personal power & clarity of vision. Woven together in an offering of unity, this is an extraordinary occasion to explore an embodied, deeply present lifestyle- rich with meaning, full of wonder, consumed with an excitement & curiosity about our world- with experienced guides & teachers of both the Human Design & traditional Andean lineages.

At the very heart of the Q'ero teaching is the principle of Ayni ~ Reciprocity ~ which is the core foundation of their healing and shamanic work; living in balance, in the way of nature, in right relationship with all we meet.

When you give, you will receive or must receive, because it is the energetic law of the cosmos. If one prospers, all will prosper; walking one's talk, recognizing and respecting the sacredness of everything, understanding and loving oneself so much that we become a clear vessel, without hidden motives so that our love for all of Spirit's creations grows. This is Ayni.

It is in this spirit that we will be exploring our world, and our unique place within it, with The Human Design System as our primary tool for deepening awareness.